This Ancient Cabin From the 1830s Gets Reconstructed Into a Beautiful Home
By Matthew D'Onofrio
2 min read
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This cabin in the woods has been around since the 1830s. But then a man stumbled upon it — the poor, broken old thing — and gave it a new life, and light!
We showed you the transformation of a beautiful theater to an even more beautiful bookstore, now get ready to witness Extreme Makeover: Cabin Edition.
First, he removed of most of the logs, because they were rotting, but he was able to use some of them. They transferred the logs to another location and then the building began.
Eventually, a brand new log cabin was assembled and it featured a fireplace, two stories, a bedroom and a dining area.
“Quiet is peace. Tranquility. Quiet is turning down the volume knob on life. Silence is pushing the off button. Shutting it down. All of it,” said Amir from The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.
We’ll take that peace and tranquility — it sounds great — and move into this getaway home because it is just gorgeous.
And if you thought the outside was pretty, take a look at the inside…
The fireplace was made from scratch! It looks very toasty in there.
There isn’t any electricity running through the place, but who cares? The lighting is just fine and the ambience is just perfect.
And when the night is upon the cabin and it’s time to hit the hay, there’s an upstairs for that.
You’ll find a cozy bedroom at the very top of the handmade stairs that’s not exactly fit for a king, but sure looks comfortable.
This must be quite the upgrade from life here during the 30s, and it’s all inside a simple cabin in the woods.
Would you move in? Because we sure would!
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