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Definition of "saphenous" []

  • Relating to, or situated near, the saphenous vein. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "saphenous" in a sentence
  • "Laser Procedures Studies have shown that minimally invasive endovenous laser procedures that use local anesthesia are highly effective for removing the so-called saphenous veins — a large one that runs from the foot to the thigh and a smaller one up the back of the leg behind the knee — and have a high rate of success over time."
  • "The so-called saphenous opening, therefore, is naturally masked by the superficial fascia; and this membrane being here perforated for the passage of the saphena vein, and its tributary branches, as also the efferent vessels of the lymphatic glands, is termed "cribriform.""
  • "From the foregoing remarks it will appear that no such aperture as that which is named "saphenous," and described as being shaped in the manner of L h, Pl. 28, with its "upper and lower cornua," and its "falciform process," or edge, h, exists naturally."