An apartment appropriated to reading; a room furnished withnewspapers, periodicals, etc., to which persons resort for reading.(noun)
A room or closet set apart for the use of professional proof-readers.(noun)
The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)
Use "reading-room" in a sentence
"It was with regret that he ceased from writing to study, that he ceased from study to go to the library, that he tore himself away from that chart-room of knowledge or from the magazines in the reading-room that were filled with the secrets of writers who succeeded in selling their wares."
"He wrote prolifically, intensely, from morning till night, and late at night, except when he broke off to go to the reading-room, draw books from the library, or to call on Ruth."
"Unswayed by the presence in the council chamber of a double-page "pin-up" in colour of the Swedish film star Anita Ekberg, Oxford City Council yesterday refused by a substantial majority to ask the Library Committee to reconsider its decision not to take "Picture Post" in the reading-room of the public library."