"It was after reading Timoshenko's autobiography that I changed my mind and in true "plagiaristic" spirit I adopted his title for the present talk - "As I Remember"."
"Congruent not just thematically (both characters sing of love fated to die) but musically — Fleming admitted that placing them on opposite sides of the Strauss was, in part, to ameliorate their self-plagiaristic similarity — the arias, and the performances, exemplified the Romantic happy-sad conundrum of reveling in the fullness of sorrowful emotion."
"The satirical bite of the mashups is directed at what has been seen as the highly derivative, if not outright plagiaristic, nature of "Avatar" 's plot, characters, themes; themes that do, in many ways, seem like sci-fi updatings of the ones you find in "Pocahontas.""