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Definition of "derived" []

  • Of, or pertaining to, conditions unique to the descendant species of a clade, and not found in earlier ancestral species. (adjective)
  • Possessing features believed to be more advanced or improved than those other organisms. (adjective)
  • Product of derivation (adjective)
  • Simple past tense and past participle of derive. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "derived" in a sentence
  • "They appear to be sigils, a term derived from the Latin sigilum, which means ‘seal.’"
  • "Diva is the term derived from the Latin word “divus”, “a divine one”, and in its original use described a woman of exceptional talent, more specifically a great female opera singer."
  • "Before correctly spelling "hierarchy," for example, 12-year-old Abigail Spitzer of El Paso, Texas, asked the judges whether the word derived from the Greek root "hieros," meaning sacred."