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Definition of "cedrus" []

  • A genus of coniferous trees closely allied to the larch, which they resemble in having the leaves growing in tufts or bunches, but from which they are distinguished by being evergreen (the leaves not falling in autumn), and by the form of the cones. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "cedrus" in a sentence
  • "“True cedars,” by contrast, “are generally grown only in the Middle East and are scientifically classified in the Pinaceae (Pine) family and in the genus cedrus.”"
  • "Two tree species occur: an occasional isolated Canary Island cedar Juniperus cedrus or Canary Island pine Pinus canariensis."
  • "Pines can also be found mixed with Juniperus cedrus and J. phoenicea at higher elevations."
Words like "cedrus"