Definition of "broncho-pneumonia" [bron•cho-pneu•mo•ni•a]
Inflammation of the bronchi and lungs; catarrhal pneumonia.(noun)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "broncho-pneumonia" in a sentence
"I can relate to the "not clear for a few weeks"; back in 2002 I had broncho-pneumonia and it took a few months for it to clear completely."
"Because of its efficacy and low cost, it is still widely used, but because of the risks of haematological toxicity, its use should be strictly limited to specific indications: typhoid fever, meningitis and broncho-pneumonia."
"An autosomal recessive disorder that results in sterility, deafness, ocular damage, and chronic broncho-pneumonia."