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Definition of "apperceptive" [apperceptive]

  • Perceptive (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "apperceptive" in a sentence
  • "The association theory must thus be given up in favor of an 'action-theory' [1] which combines the consistency of phenomenalistic explanation with a full acknowledgment of the so-called apperceptive processes; it avoids thus the deficiency of associationism and the logical inconsistency of apperceptionism."
  • "Hume himself provides no account of apperception, but possibilities for a (quasi -) Humean account are that apperceptive consciousness amounts to perceptions that are intrinsically self-conscious, or else consists in perceptions of perceptions."
  • "Then he turns to consciousness of oneself and one's states by doing apperceptive acts."