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Definition of "yerne" []

  • Eagerly; briskly; quickly. (adverb)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "yerne" in a sentence
  • ""The dredful joye alwey that slit so yerne" - I always thought that meant, "that always cuts so deeply" (I was never much of a one for looking up the vocab), but it means, "slides away so swiftly"."
  • "Fo - f ItaFihcuUmodo diuiduntur, fihter fiauefcentiahirfutadJu - I yerne umdia."
  • "a horseman commynge, he casteth holy water vpon hym, and anone he offereth hym the ouerlether of a shoo bownde abowte with an yerne whope, wherin is a glasse lyke a precyouse stone, they that kysse it gyf a pece of monay."