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Definition of "woozily" [woozily]

  • In a woozy manner (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "woozily" in a sentence
  • "Here, Janney has great fun playing a wackadoodle egomaniac, whether answering a phone that isn't ringing, woozily piloting a golf cart through the hallways, or by giving impossible orders to Ben: I see on the schedule that John Cougar Mellencamp is playing here next Wednesday."
  • "I woozily get to my feet, catch Nick Wheaton out of the corner of my eye, force my hand up, and slowly unfurl my middle finger."
  • "A more interesting route to acclaim has been followed by the Walkmen, who mostly make woozily plotted albums with no discernible sense of ambition."