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Definition of "wirelike" [wirelike]

  • Resembling wire or a wire. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "wirelike" in a sentence
  • "The two middle tail feathers are modified into very slender wirelike shafts, nearly six inches long, each of which bears at the extremity, on the inner side only, a web of an emerald green colour, which is coiled up into a perfect spiral disc, and produces a most singular and charming effect."
  • "Tonight, I hurt physically: one shoulder has a wirelike hot pain in it, and the muscles across the top/back of both are locked up out from the upper arms across & up the neck to the skull and some across the fornt of the collarbones & upper chest."
  • "With his wings extended he was nearly four feet across, and when agitated he would stand up on wirelike talons, stretching his wings out wide and shrieking in a loud voice."
Words like "wirelike"