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Definition of "wingtips" []

  • Plural form of wingtip. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "wingtips" in a sentence
  • "Populist political team Carville/Begala/Greenberg (with Reich as the token wonk) support stimulus, big spending on job training and other good, liberal, put-people-first stuff … while grown-ups in wingtips Rubin and Bentsen prevail on the president to prioritize deficit reduction. raylward Says:"
  • "This is the true face of poetry – a creative child at the crossroads, a young man who suddenly realizes that he doesn’t have to invest in wingtips or a pocket protector to put beautiful words into neat little rows."
  • "The wingtips are an idea of my father's: one must be presentable on the street, so you don't look like the riffraff, but I adore the riffraff, don't I?"
Words like "wingtips"