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Definition of "wine-bag" [wine-bag]

  • A wine-skin. (noun)
  • A person who indulges frequently and largely in wine. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "wine-bag" in a sentence
  • "The body, streaming blood like a squirting wine-bag, tumbled down on to the courtyard's cobbles."
  • "’ ‘As if they were of red wine, you might better have said, ’ replied Sancho Panza; ‘for I would let you to understand, if you know it not already, that the dead giant is a bored wine-bag, and the blood six-and-thirty gallons of red wine, which it contained in its belly."
  • "Sancho likewise, held his peace, eating acorns, and in the meanwhile visited very often the second wine-bag, which, because it might be fresh, was hanged upon a cork-tree."