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Definition of "windmilling" []

  • Present participle of windmill. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "windmilling" in a sentence
  • "Only a few dozen outfits like Mr. Crowell's still exist in the Texas Panhandle, practicing the dying art of "windmilling" - fixing the old-style whirligigs that pump water from the aquifers."
  • "Leave it to Mr. Obama and his administration to go for the illusive dream of meaningful energy production by capturing the wind aka windmilling, while putting a foot down on drilling for oil--an empirically documented source of energy-producing liquid."
  • "Gates Draftguard anti-rotation device prevents belt-driven air-cooled heat exchanger (ACHE) fan drives from "windmilling" when they are idle."
Words like "windmilling"