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Definition of "white-line" [white-line]

  • White-lined.

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "white-line" in a sentence
  • "There's a temptation to liken the novelist and screenwriter Rudy Wurlitzer to one of his great anti-protagonists, like the gearheads in the 1971 film "Two-Lane Blacktop," lost to white-line fever in the vast expanse of a country that doesn't seem to exist anymore."
  • "Route 66 cut through the center of town as a streamlined reminder of what was out there to the west, and the trucks roared through town day and night, slaves to hope and white-line fever, heading for California or just somewhere else."
  • "Vanishing Point is the ultimate ode to the need for speed, a ferocious white-line race dedicated to "the last American hero to whom speed means freedom of soul," the driver Kowalski Barry Newman, making a high-speed run from Colorado to San Francisco with the police in pursuit."