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Definition of "whirligigs" [whirligigs]

  • Plural form of whirligig. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "whirligigs" in a sentence
  • ""The whirligigs are my favorites (to make)," he said."
  • "Great dragon-flies hawked after flies; while on the surface of still pools "whirligigs" (Gyrinidae) wheeled about in mazy gyrations, just as they are seen to do at home."
  • "Amongst other resemblances, there are moments when, to a quiet contemplator, it suggests the image of one of those rotatory entertainments commonly seen in fairs, and known by the name of "whirligigs," or "roundabouts," in which each participator of the pastime, seated on his hobby, is always apparently in the act of pursuing some one before him, while he is pursued by some one behind."