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Definition of "week-work" [week-work]

  • In old Enq. usage, the distinctive service of a serf or villein, being a specified number of days, usually three, in each week. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "week-work" in a sentence
  • "From the "Rectitudines Singularum Personarum," an eleventh-century document, we learn that the _cotsetle_, for his holding of about five acres, was required to labour for his lord on one day a week all through the year, [17] and this was known as _week-work_."
  • "His week-work amounted to two or three days a week, as the season required; in winter, he had "to lie at his lord's fold," when bidden; and he had to contribute his quota of boon-work."
  • "The compensating advantage is that when she does begin to "make good" her improvement is usually registered in her earnings more quickly and accurately than it would be by the safe but slowly advancing "week-work.""