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Definition of "webspace" []

  • Disk space used to store webpages and other content that can be accessed through the Web. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "webspace" in a sentence
  • "Further New Ceres support material usually maintained on the webspace is not available at this time."
  • "Just one more thing to consider about our dear old Beeb – they are more than happy to report about people who are caught filesharing to help promote its demise, and yet no one iota of webspace is given over to reporting about the growth of filesharing and the fact that what Organised Media are doing is morally, legally and ethically questionable and reprehensible."
  • "Okay, I admit that I am incredibly lucky in having webspace which is 100% under my control, and which would require legal action at the telco level to take down."