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Definition of "waxed cloth" []

  • Cloth covered with a coating of wax, used as a cover, of tables and for other purposes; -- called also wax cloth. (verb-transitive)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "waxed cloth" in a sentence
  • "Madog, untroubled but ready, rested on his oars to unfold the waxed cloth he used for covering goods in passage, and spread it over Humilis and across the body of the boat, making a canopy for his head, which Fidelis held over spread hands to prevent it from impeding the sick man's breathing."
  • "So Badr al-Din Hasan took the document and folded it; and, wrapping it up in a piece of waxed cloth of his skull-cap and wound his light turband 390 round it."