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Definition of "waterline" []

  • A line formed by the surface of the water on the hull of a ship when she is afloat; any of a series of short lines marked on the hull to show where the waterline would be under different loadings. (noun)
  • A horizontal line indicating the shape of an airfoil. (noun)
  • A line showing where the water has been, usually a line separating dry land and wet areas; a watermark or tidemark. (noun)
  • The inner rim of the eyelid, just behind the lash line; primarily used in reference to the application of eyeliner. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "waterline" in a sentence
  • "And it goes on back to the -- to the waterline, which is where the rice field starts at."
  • "The forward part of the ship below the waterline was a complete casualty."
  • "The range was so close that the Japs could not depress their guns enough to fire at the waterline, which is why so many hits landed on the bridge and two of our admirals were killed."
Words like "waterline"
plimsoll line
Plimsoll mark