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Definition of "water-moss" [water-moss]

  • A moss of the genus Fontinalis (which see). (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "water-moss" in a sentence
  • "It was trellised with vines, maidenhair ferns, and water-moss making a vivid green background for the golden yellow and burnished copper leaves which still clung to some small cottonwood trees -- the only trees we had seen in Marble Canyon."
  • "The torn roots, the decaying trunks, and the shattered branches of the dead giants of the ancient wood, were dank with water-moss."
  • "In summer, the sparkling water of the lake rippled under a burning sun, and the thousand tree-trunks left floating in it, held near to the edge by the floating boom of logs, became hot and dry on the upper side, while the green water-moss caught them from beneath."