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Definition of "vimen" [vi•men]

  • A long, slender, flexible shoot or branch. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "vimen" in a sentence
  • "It was rare fun to see him stamping and raving about the room, and vishing all the vimen in the vorld at the devil."
  • "Does it apurayi to vimen az vell if it does ini hangu errr ... errr"
  • "We come to talk to you about a fire vot is burning up the homes, the hopes, the peace of vimen and children and the immortal souls of men; vill you please take your sympathy off of Ferd Schumacher and give it to Mr. Bain while he talks about the great fire of intemperance. ""