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Definition of "viciously" []

  • In a vicious manner; ferociously or maliciously. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "viciously" in a sentence
  • "He bit off the word viciously and then sank his head into his hands and bowed it to a depth that alone could express his shame."
  • "His brother was slain viciously and his fiancé Gwen Conliffe has asked Lawrence’s help in finding the killer."
  • "I’ve often wondered if the reason gilded-age robber-barons, and their contemporary compadres (like the Koch family, the Coors family, Richard Mellon-Scaife, Murdoch, and similar) fought – and fight – modest wealth-redistribution (through progressive taxation and other measures to benefit the Commons) so savagely and so viciously is because they all know that programs to benefit ALL the People are uniformly popular, and would expand exponentially if given any chance at all."