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Definition of "velella" []

  • Any of the genus Velella of free-floating marine protozoans. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "velella" in a sentence
  • "We also spotted several Velella velella, also known as the By-the-wind sailors, which is an awesome little sea creature that has a small oval sail so it can use the winds to travel the seas."
  • "They were velella vellella - a hydroid similar to a jellyfish, with the common name of "By-the-wind-sailor"."
  • "Or it may be that the whelk has chosen this quiet nook to deposit her leathery eggs; or young barnacles, periwinkles, and limpets are growing up among the green and brown tangles, while the far-sailing velella and the stay-at-home sea-squirts, together with a variety of other sea-animals, find a nursery and shelter in their youth in this quiet harbor of rest."