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Definition of "vaporer" [va•por•er]

  • One who vapors; a braggart. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "vaporer" in a sentence
  • "_On the contrary, _ The Philosopher says (Ethic. ii, 7; iv, 3) that the "vain man," i.e. a vaporer or a wind-bag, which with us denotes a presumptuous man, "is opposed to the magnanimous man by excess.""
  • "If, when we know that a man is a blatant vaporer, we simply let him vapor, and mind our own business; if, having gauged the measure of a woman's mind, and found it only an inch deep, we do not fret our souls by vain dredgings in a channel to-day that will fill up by to-morrow; if we give the fool the benefit of his license; and expend thought and care upon that which is hopeful and profitable -- do we not prove ourselves prudent economists of time and labor?"
  • "He who now seems to you to be a hero, is in reality a mere vaporer; don’t be alarmed."
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