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Definition of "vampirelike" []

  • Resembling or characteristic of a vampire. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "vampirelike" in a sentence
  • "During that time, he lived a vampirelike existence, rarely seeing the light of day."
  • "The vampirelike beings in The Fairy Hunt may also reflect the early nineteenth-century belief that sufferers of consumption were vampire-afflicted: sensitivity to bright light, swollen red eyes, very pale skin and the characteristic bloody cough were all symptoms that fed this belief."
  • "Once Alexia explains what happened to her, it becomes clear that this was no ordinary vampire - not only was he ill-mannered but also uneducated (for he did not even know what a preternatural was!) and most unrefined (for he had a rather un-vampirelike lisp)."
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