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Definition of "utterable" [ut•ter•a•ble]

  • Capable of being expressed in words, especially audibly. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "utterable" in a sentence
  • "He could picture but one way of destroying this terrible loneliness, the attainment of a spiritual -- a divine -- state of love, a condition to which he would give no name utterable by human lips, lest it be profaned, but for which his whole being yearned."
  • "In his vocabulary was no word for “crocodile”; yet in his thought, as potent as any utterable word, was an image of dreadful import — an image of a log awash that was not a log and that was alive, that could swim upon the surface, under the surface, and haul out across the dry land, that was huge-toothed, mighty-mawed, and certain death to a swimming dog."
  • "Among all the French words my daughter has taught me, rosace may be the least useful in speech (not like the ever-groovy, ever-utterable chiche* that she taught me a while back) but I can say that I am now seeing rosace patterns everywhere."
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