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Definition of "urbanely" []

  • In an urbane manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "urbanely" in a sentence
  • "Between Mr. Day's stiff-upper-lip Victor and Mr. Gross's urbanely exasperated Elyot, this "Private Lives" is quite good enough to be worth seeing."
  • "Of course they're stacked with past merch as well, from Merino hoodies, to windbreakers, to peacoats, which won't be very urbanely sophisticated if you mistake their name for a performance-enhancing athletic function."
  • "Mr. Lugosi's subsequent career needs no recounting here, and Mr. Langella's urbanely sensuous performance, which was documented in John Badham's pretty good 1979 film version, is also vividly remembered by playgoers of a certain age."