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Definition of "upper-crust" []

  • Posh, upper-class. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "upper-crust" in a sentence
  • "One must exert strenuously to top the ridicule-worthiness of “Thurston Willard Throckmorton Westonham IV” and similar upper-crust naming conventions, sported to this day by governors, senators, heirs and captains of industry (although often obscured by more populist nicknames for public consumption)."
  • "That is the question that haunts the authorities after a distinguished British gentleman with an upper-crust accent cons his way past a security guard and escapes into the desert carrying a world-famous, one-of-a-kind historic relic."
  • ""It's based on the English system, but the curriculum here is very interesting because it's managed to incorporate the British, American and European systems all in one and take the best of all three," said the prince in that flawless upper-crust accent."