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Definition of "upkeeping" [upkeeping]

  • Present participle of upkeep. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "upkeeping" in a sentence
  • "They now want us to contribute some money on a monthly basis to their upkeeping."
  • "The support of Sensible Priorities is great, they have pledged to caucus in Iowa for the person who most met their goals -- they have identified very specific waste in the Pentegon's budget, including but not limited to our overstock and upkeeping of nuclear weapons, as well as wasteful projects and weapons systems -- not everything mind you."
  • "I'm glad that you approved of the section, and that's really a tribute to Jessica's upkeeping, since the store has had so many changes in management, staff, procedure & policy, and prioities."