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Definition of "unthrift" [un•thrift]

  • A lack of thriftiness; prodigality. (noun)
  • Someone who is not thrifty; a spendthrift, someone who is not careful with their money. (noun)
  • Unthrifty. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unthrift" in a sentence
  • "The New Bedford superintendent of schools argued that it was the lack of sewing skills that caused what he saw to be the "unthrift and ragged shiftlessness of many homes.""
  • "The Earl of Oxford, a young unthrift, whom Foster had more than once accommodated with loans on usurious interest, acknowledged, on this appeal, that he knew him as a wealthy and independent franklin, supposed to be worth much money, and verified the certificate produced to be his handwriting."
  • "He had always disliked Owen, regarding him as an unthrift, any close connexion with whom could only bring contamination on the Fitzgerald property; and Owen had returned the feeling tenfold."