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Definition of "unthinkingly" []

  • In an unthinking manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unthinkingly" in a sentence
  • "The English word unthinkingly is, broadly speaking, formally parallel to the word reformers, each being built up on a radical element which may occur as an independent verb (think, form), this radical element being preceded by an element (un -, re -) that conveys a definite and fairly concrete significance but that cannot be used independently, and followed by two elements (- ing, - ly; - er, - s) that limit the application of the radical concept in a relational sense."
  • "Most of the time, he does so "unthinkingly," which is to say, utilizing wholly automatic and largely unconscious processes."
  • "When Tsai reminded that he was deviating from the day's focus, Chen would not stop, saying the judge "unthinkingly" accepted the prosecution's argument that he was trying to interfere with trial and might flee the country if released."