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Definition of "unstudious" []

  • Not studious; not inclined towards studying. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unstudious" in a sentence
  • "The most obvious reason is still a bit too simplistic in my view: that unlike the clever Hal, the unstudious W. was never equal to the office and the challenge, failing to understood the war against Al Qaeda."
  • "But Chinese assume they are superior to the lazy, unstudious, unfilial, wife-and-family-abandoning white Americans."
  • "And if these generalizations appear indefensible, still more misleading, it may be urged, is an attempt to represent that the poet, when he takes issue with this and that opponent, is answering a challenge hidden away from the unstudious in the tenth book of Plato's"