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Definition of "unlaundered" [unlaundered]

  • That has not been laundered. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unlaundered" in a sentence
  • "All the darky's training came into play when his master was giving a dinner: what Madeira to decant, and what to leave in its jacket of dust, with its waistcoat of a label unlaundered for half a century; the temperature of the claret; the exact angle at which the Burgundy must be tilted and when it was to be opened -- and how -- especially the "how" -- the disturbing of a single grain of sediment being a capital offence; the final brandies, particularly that old Peach Brandy hidden in Tom Coston's father's cellar during the war of 1812, and sent to that gentleman as an especial "mark of my appreciation to my dear friend and kinsman, St. George Wilmot Temple," etc., etc. -- all this Todd knew to his finger ends."
  • "It was just as well to hang the clothes out wet but unlaundered, which is what shed done."
  • "They should also avoid sharing personal items such as unlaundered towels, clothing or uniforms and razors, "the spokesman said."
Words like "unlaundered"