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Definition of "unjewish" []

  • Not Jewish, or not Jewlike. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unjewish" in a sentence
  • "They should have faith that God will keep his promises by just means not by unamerican, unchristian, and unjewish aggression."
  • "They were assigned to employments less honorable than those in which Israelitish servants engaged; agriculture being regarded as fundamental to the existence of the state, other employments were in less repute, and deemed _unjewish."
  • "They were assigned to _employments_ less honorable than those in which Israelitish servants engaged; agriculture being regarded as fundamental to the prosperity and even to the existence of the state, other employments were in far less repute, and deemed _unjewish_."
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