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Definition of "unerringly" []

  • Without making a mistake, perfectly, directly (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unerringly" in a sentence
  • "He picked the name unerringly out of the hundreds he carried in his mind, and along with it came automatically all he knew of young Heinrich's history, family, and connections, these appearing in his imagination round the boy's long, dreamy face in a constellation of social affinities, orderly and complex as the pattern of a snowflake."
  • "Thus, there are people who, when they once see any word (we will say a proper name) written or printed, can always afterwards spell that word unerringly, no matter how uncommon it may be."
  • "However, they had "unerringly," as Sarah remarked, migrated to a whole case full of mysteries and romances."