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Definition of "underhanded" []

  • Done by moving the hand (and arm) from below. (adjective)
  • Sly, dishonest, corrupt, cheating. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "underhanded" in a sentence
  • "Perkins, worn out, irritated by, if not angry at, what he termed the underhanded lying of the opposition, drove home for luncheon, and found his wife and her mother in a state of high dudgeon."
  • "Frederick and Mary Ann Brussat go a step further in underhanded criticism, comparing the movie to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in an apparent attempt to give it a Christian link and then add, "Naturally, a female is one of the main temptations Will must overcome.""
  • "If the overstuffed, unzipped, unsealed bags contain more absentee ballots than were recorded on the transmittal sheet, then something underhanded is being attempted."