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Definition of "unbudgeted" []

  • Not allowed for in a budget. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unbudgeted" in a sentence
  • "Lewis also stated that the 18 staff positions at the high school that investigators described as unbudgeted were the result of mistakes made by the human resources department and the payroll department."
  • "CBO has also estimated some "unbudgeted" costs that reflect the likelihood that weapon systems would cost more than initially estimated; that medical costs and fuel prices would grow at rates faster than DoD has anticipated; and that pay raises the Congress enacts for military personnel and DoD's civilian employees might exceed the percentages in the department's plans."
  • ""We're trying to get some extra bucks in the door to get the orchestra back this year, but it does not look promising, and we have advised them that only with the influx of some new unbudgeted dollars specifically designated for live music would we be able to have them.""