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Definition of "unbathed" [unbathed]

  • Not bathed; unwashed. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unbathed" in a sentence
  • "The home, whose lights were not working, was littered with dog feces, the toilets were filled with human excrement and the children were "unbathed" and had no food, according to the warrants."
  • "The next day the boss looks at you like you've been living unbathed under a railroad trestle since Windows 7 came out."
  • "I happened to be driving by that low-rent trailer park about the time he claims he was out, and I saw a grossly obese, unshaven, unbathed, toothless slob in pee-stained Spiderman underoos and his favorite Bart Simpson T-shirt that his mom bought him 15 years ago for his 10th birthday."