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Definition of "unambivalently" []

  • In an unambivalent manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unambivalently" in a sentence
  • "Serial killers are the only people I've unambivalently favored the death penalty for, because they seem incurably addicted to what they do, plus sociopathic."
  • "He too is a snob because on a lecture-tour of the United States in 1933 he found his ladies-club audiences uncongenial, just as any American intellectual would have found their British equivalents, but when Harold writes with sympathy and liking about the Lindberghs, the Morrows, Thomas Lamont, Minna Curtiss and Archibald MacLeish, these people are dismissed by Mr. Craft as "acceptable American yahoos," and Harold's attitude to the United States as "unambivalently negative.""
  • "At my Brooklyn polling place on Super Tuesday, I unambivalently -- proudly!"