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Definition of "unadvisedly" []

  • In an unadvised manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unadvisedly" in a sentence
  • "A word unadvisedly spoken on the one side, or misunderstood on the other; any the least surmise of neglect; sometimes a bare gesture; nay, the very unsuitableness of one man's aspect to another man's fancy, has raised such an aversion to him, as in time has produced a perfect hatred of him; and that so strong and so tenacious, that it has never left vexing and troubling him, till perhaps at length it has worried him to his grave; yea, and after death too, has pursued him in his surviving shadow, exercising the same tyranny upon his very name and memory."
  • "But Obama and his supporters have rudely, unadvisedly, thoughtlessly backed him as the candidate for change."
  • "As an individual investor, plunking all your savings into any single thing, whether it be gold or a stock, is always unadvisedly risky."