A house or building where treasures and stores are kept.(noun)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "treasure-house" in a sentence
"At that time the nearest recording office was in the police barracks at Fort Cudahy, just across the river from Forty Mile; but when it became bruited abroad that Eldorado Creek was a treasure-house, it was quickly discovered that Olaf Nelson had failed to make the down-Yukon trip to file upon his property."
"The room beyond was like the vault of a treasure-house."
"Essential not simply to preserve our own fragile existence in this immense treasure-house of living creatures, but also to preserve this almost infinitely varied life-support system upon which we depend for the necessities of life in a very large, cold and forbidding universe which is devoid of perceptible life everywhere but here on Earth."