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Definition of "totalization" []

  • Act of totalizing, or state of being totalized. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "totalization" in a sentence
  • ""The principle of totalization is indeed ontological," he writes, "in that it has to be sought in the discontinuous structure of being itself" (RCC"
  • "These "totalization" agreements generally help workers in two ways: First, when you work in one country but are a citizen of the other, your wages are subject to Social Security taxation by only one country."
  • "In what some would consider the culmination of his thought, he weds Existentialist biography with Marxian social critique in a Hegelian "totalization" of an individual and his era, to produce the last of his many incompleted projects, a multi-volume study of Flaubert's life and times, The Family Idiot (1971-1972)."