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Definition of "to a fault" []

  • To an excessive degree; extremely. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "to a fault" in a sentence
  • "When the Dogs came to a fault and to cold Hunting until 20 minutes after when being joined by the missing Dogs they put him up afresh and in about 50 Minutes killed up in an open field of Colo Mason's every Rider & every Dog being present at the Death.”"
  • "All lovers of Shelley owe a debt of deep gratitude to Mr. Jeaffreson, who, although, severe to a fault on many of the blemishes in his character (as if he considered that poets ought to be almost superhuman in all things), nevertheless proves in so clear a way the utter groundlessness of the rumours as to relieve all future biographers from considering the subject."
  • "She really was something, stylish to a fault and straight in the bella figura tradition."