An official scribe who had some of the minor functions of a notary in the Roman Empire and pre-revolutionary France.(noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
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"-- Tr. The tabellion, -- he called himself "tabellion," petty notary, and keeper of notes (making fun of his calling in order to seem above it),"
"Before me William Allen, notary and tabellion publicke dwelling in this Citty of London, by the Authority of the said Kings Majesty admitted and sworne, and in the presence of the witnesses here after named personnally appeared Sir William Davidson, Knight and Barronett, his Majestyes Royall Commissionner at Amsterdam in Holland, etca., at present in this Citty of London, one of the Gentlemen of his"
"It is certain that a tabellion [2173] of Andelot in Champagne, Nicolas"