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Definition of "tabasheer" []

  • A translucent white substance, composed mainly of silica and water with traces of lime and potash, obtained from the nodal joints of some species of bamboo and used in traditional Asian medicine. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "tabasheer" in a sentence
  • "Sir David Brewster long ago pointed out the remarkable physical characters presented by the curious product of the vegetable world known as "tabasheer," though so far as I can find out it has not in recent years received that attention from physicists which the experiments and observations of the great Scotch philosopher show it to be worthy of."
  • "Much of the material which under the name of "tabasheer" finds its way to Syria and Turkey is said, however, to be fictitious or adulterated."
  • "In 1819 tabasheer caught the interest of the great David Brewster, Scottish science king of all reflection-refraction-diffraction matters he also invented the kaleidoscope."