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Definition of "swarded" []

  • Covered with sward. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "swarded" in a sentence
  • "The thing that has passed us all by now is that the inspiration for the whole swarded Matthews ‘kidnapping’ has been completely overshadowed."
  • "His clay feet, swarded in verdigrass, stick up starck where he last fellonem, by the mund of the maga-zine wall, where our maggy seen all, with her sisterin shawl."
  • "Hence she called loudly upon her uncle, and he was seen to issue, lantern in hand, from the tower door, and, where the ruins did not intervene, to pick his way over the swarded courtyard, avoiding treacherous cellars and winding among blocks of fallen masonry."
Words like "swarded"