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Definition of "subjectivist" []

  • Regarding subjective experience as fundamental (adjective)
  • One who subscribes to subjectivism (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "subjectivist" in a sentence
  • "Given certain subjectivist epistemological-cum-metaphysical assumptions having their origins in Descartes and the early empiricists, the idealistic consequences drawn from them by Kant, Hegel, and succeeding generations of German and British philosophers were, if not quite inevitable, at least extremely natural."
  • "Meinong's early theory of value (1894; 1895) can be dubbed a subjectivist theory insofar as Meinong holds the thesis that there are values because of our value attitudes"
  • "One is that rhetoric becomes a kind of subjectivist expressionism - you play around with language and hope that something interesting pops out."
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