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Definition of "subduedness" []

  • The property of lights or sounds that lack brilliance or are reduced in intensity (noun)
  • A disposition to be patient and long suffering (noun)

WordNet. Princeton University. 2010.

Use "subduedness" in a sentence
  • "But nevertheless even in the subduedness of his language he covertly strikes them again, for the word, "present," is exceedingly emphatic, and so is "in want.""
  • "Aunt Faith leaned against her pillows, looking bright and comfortable, even cheerful; but there was a strange gentleness in look and word and touch, as she greeted the young girl who came to her bedside with a face that wore at once its own subduedness of fresh-past grief, and a wondering, loving apprehension of something to be disclosed concerning the kind friend who lay there, invested so with such new grace of tenderness."
  • "As if Mat wasn't used to the subduedness of the crowd, he joked to the audience they'd have to "fucking sit through it and grin and bear it" before they played a few Beautiful Girls songs."