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Definition of "subclassify" []

  • To classify into a subclass. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "subclassify" in a sentence
  • ""Enabling physicians to subclassify NSCLC tumors with miRview squamous based on FNA cell blocks, without the need for more invasive procedures, brings significant value to lung cancer patient management," noted Dr. Tina Edmonston, Director of Rosetta Genomics 'CLIA-certified laboratory."
  • "They were used for example to subclassify spinal muscular atrophy patients (n = 102) into 3 severity types"
  • "The use of expensive methods to subclassify histologic variants of tumors as accurately as $15 immunohistochemical assays, the inability to replicate more than 98\% of published genomewide association studies, and multiple retrospective studies using single-group series with small sample sizes all contribute to these sentiments."